Some content has been being posted on Twitter with the hashtag Modi Planning Farmer Genocide for the last few days during the farmers movement. The government then ordered Twitter to suspend some accounts. Twitter suspended the account but reactivated it. The government has warned Twitter that it is bound to obey the order. He is inviting legal action against himself if he violates the order and rules.
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The government has termed the content published on Twitter with the hashtag Modi Planning Farmer Genocide since February 1 as provocative and hateful. The government said this is a planned campaign. Which is being run to spread tension in the society.
The government has termed the content published on Twitter with the hashtag Modi Planning Farmer Genocide since February 1 as provocative and hateful. The government said this is a planned campaign. Which is being run to spread tension in the society.
The government asked Twitter to remove all such tweets and block its profile. Twitter suspended 250 accounts linked to the peasant movement, but reopened a few hours later. Controversial hashtag tweets reappeared on Twitter after such profiles were unblocked.
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Divyabhaskar News
What's the whole matter Since
January 30, some users have been tweeting the farmer genocide hashtag on Twitter. It said that the Modi government was hatching a big conspiracy against the farmers and was planning to massacre the farmers.
What's the whole matter Since
January 30, some users have been tweeting the farmer genocide hashtag on Twitter. It said that the Modi government was hatching a big conspiracy against the farmers and was planning to massacre the farmers.
The hashtag gained momentum over the next 2 days and again the government tried to stop it. He was prosecuted by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
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