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Friday, 19 February 2021

Sri Lanka:Woman killed in 4 seconds after truck driver crushes cross-crossing woman

Sri Lanka:Woman killed in 4 seconds after truck driver crushes cross-crossing woman, horrific scenes captured on CCTV

A truck driver crushes a woman crossing the road in Vattala, Colombo, Sri Lanka. The whole incident was captured on CCTV cameras on the road. CCTV footage clearly shows a truck driver crushing a woman while she was crossing the road. Importantly, the woman died on the spot when the truck's wheel turned again.  Police have registered a complaint based on CCTV footage and are investigating the accused truck driver.

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You get a great lesson from this accident that you should not cross without seeing the way. Here in the jam video you can see that a truck is coming very close to the woman even though she is trying to do it on the road. 

You are learning from this video that no such big mistake can be made any day. You can see from this post how big the accident was due to just one small mistake. You can send this post to your well wisher. And send them to those who need you most.

You can find out from this post that no matter how soon you are, you should take precaution first. You need to be careful not to lose your life in a hurry. You are learning a lesson through this post that no one should cross the road like this

If you like this post, you can send it to people and your well-wishers. You should send this post to the people you need. Due to which the information of this post will reach your family and your friends and they should be careful in such a place. Due to which such accidents do not happen and people do not have to lose their lives. This post should be sent to people in need.

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