If you are using the old passbook provided by the bank, be careful. This old passbook of the bank will be closed. Note that if you do not change the old passbook and check book, your passbook and check book will be closed.
The check book and passbook of the bank have been changed due to bank merger in the country. The banks include banks like Dena Bank, Vijaya Bank etc. The list of which is given here which you can see in the given photo. If you are still using the old check book If so, you have until April 1. Your old passbook will not be executed after April 1. So pass this passbook and check book as soon as possible.
The check book and passbook along with the ifsc code as well as the mixer code will also be changed. This information can be very useful to you. If you do not work according to the information given, your bank passbook and check book will not work.
Special for account holders
If your account is in the given bank then you will not have to do as per the details given.The account holder will have to update his details such as his mobile number, his address, nominee's name etc. Save the book. After that you will have to update where the bank details are given so that there is no hindrance for any work in your bank.
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