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Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Research on corona: People with O + blood group have a lower risk of corona infection, the vaccine is not the most effective, find out about such shocking research related to corona

The research was conducted on the DNA of about 1 million people in Australia

The mask is even more effective than the vaccine, said Robert Redfield, director of the CDC, USA

Research is underway worldwide for a vaccine for the coronavirus and for its appropriate treatment. Meanwhile, some shocking research related to Corona is also coming to the fore. Individuals with a particular blood group are said to have less infection with the corona. So the director of the American organization CDC also said that masks are more effective than vaccines to prevent corona. Learn about 3 such shocking types of research related to Corona ...

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People with O + blood group have a lower risk of coronary heart disease

The research was conducted on the DNA of about 1 million people in Australia. Scientists have found that people with O + blood groups are less affected by the virus. An earlier Harvard report also found that the number of Coro-positive people with O + blood groups was low, but there was no significant difference in the severity of the infection and the death rate compared to the rest. Research on this subject is still ongoing in many countries.

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Corona also affects the hearts of young people

Until now it was believed that the virus caused the most damage to the body's lungs. Young people die only when the corona reaches the heart. They have trouble breathing. Even if a patient infected with Covid-19 recovers, he or she may have a heart problem. The heart can be affected during or after coronary heart disease.

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70% of protection from vaccines and 80-85% protection from masks

People have been advised by the Ministry of Health to use masks until certain medications for corona are available. The mask is even more effective than the vaccine, said Robert Redfield, director of CDC, USA. He said this based on the results of research on masks around the world. Protection against the virus is multiplied many times if 2 people are sitting facing each other and wearing a mask, keeping a social distance, but it is necessary that the mask is worn properly, the nose, mouth, and chin are covered. Vaccine trials are ongoing. The antibody that is formed after vaccination against the virus is 70% in the body, while the mask provides 80-85% protection.

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