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Friday, 16 October 2020

Fruits and vegetables do not spread the virus

Fruits and vegetables do not spread the virus:Corona patients kept fruits and vegetables in their hands for half an hour, patients also kept them in their mouths, when the virus was found

The WHO and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have previously said that vegetables or fruits do not spread the infection (symbolic image).

(Neeta Sisodia ) in the minds of the people in the name of Corona viruses during the lockdown was most afraid of vegetables and fruits.

 The system confiscated and discarded many vegetables and fruits, but doctors affiliated with Aurobindo Medical College have claimed after research that corona is not spread by vegetables and fruits.

Neurologist Dr. Ajay Sodani, Dr. Rahul Jain, and Dr. Kapil Tailge did the research, which has also been published in the International Journal of Community Medicine. Dr. According to Sodani, the experiment was performed with 10 positive patients of different ages admitted to the hospital for research, including five women.

 One of these patients also had no symptoms, while the other patients had a fever, chills, and difficulty breathing. These were all those whose report came positive only two to five days ago.

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The mask was removed and I coughed, although the virus was not found
. Dr. Sodani said he kept a tray full of fruits and vegetables in front of these patients for 30 minutes. Patients removed masks and asked to cough up hands. Then they put fruits and vegetables in their hands. Many even put it in their mouths. He had to undergo this procedure five times.

The fruit and vegetables were then placed in a tray on the roof for an hour, where there was natural air, but no direct sunlight. 

An hour later samples were taken from the surface of the fruit-vegetable and sent for RTPCR examination. No fruit or vegetable transition was observed. Videography of the whole process was also done.

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The WHO and the CDC have also said
that the virus does not spread through vegetables. Earlier, the WHO and the Center for Disease Control also said that the virus does not spread through vegetables or fruits. Yet people stopped buying vegetables and fruits. Onions worked with potatoes, which had the effect that patients with other ailments, including diabetes, were beset by other ailments.

Read in Gujarati news

The head of the neurology department of Aurobindo Hospital, Dr. Ajay Sodani said that when it came to the talk of fruit-vegetable transition, we tried to find out the scientific fact behind it. The study was conducted in the same room. The whole process has also been videographed. Even when samples were sent to the lab, they were kept confidential.
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