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Friday, 12 February 2021

6 people killed, 12 injured in Texas highway crash

America:6 people killed, 12 injured in Texas highway crash

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In Texas, USA, 130 vehicles collided simultaneously on the highway. Whose video has surfaced. Vehicles slept on Interstate 35 West Highway in Fort Worth due to snowfall here.

Which caused this accident. The accident has killed six people so far, but the death toll could rise, local officials said. So 12 people were injured and they were immediately admitted to the hospital.

 He has started rescue on the spot after reporting the incident to the local police. The help of a hydraulic crane was taken to remove some of the cars that were crushed under the truck in the accident. The accident caused a traffic jam for more than two hours.

In the United States, 130 vehicles collided head-on and hundreds were injured. In which 6 people died and 12 people are still injured. People are very surprised to see this accident. You have also been given a video of this accident. You are also seeing this video here.

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