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Saturday, 19 September 2020

Technology: UAE succeeds in growing fruits and vegetables like watermelon, milk etc. in desert

  • Scientists have found this success in the desert due to the liquid nanoclay method i.e. wet clay.
  • Success in farming on sandy soil in lockdown, water use will be reduced by 45%

After a 40-day experiment in lockdown, the UAE proved that fruits and vegetables such as watermelons and gourds can be grown in the sand. The UAE is a deserted country that meets 90 percent of its fresh fruit and vegetable needs by importing. For him, the hope of transforming the desert into a fruit and vegetable garden is nothing short of a miracle. Scientists have found this success in the desert due to the liquid nano clay method i.e. wet clay.

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The 40-square-foot shipping container will house several liquid nano clay factories

A liquid nano clay factory will be built in a 40-square-foot shipping container, Sewers said. Many such containers will be installed in desert countries so that they can be cultivated in the deserts of that country using local soil. Each such container will produce 40,000 liters of liquid nano clay at an hourly rate. It will be used in City Parkland, UAE. Scientists estimate that the use of water in this method will be reduced by 45 percent. At present, the cost of using this technology on one square meter of land is two dollars i.e. 150 rupees. This cost needs to be reduced 10 times to use it in poor countries.

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What is the scientific basis of this technology?

Watermelons, melons, and cucumbers have been grown on sandy soils along the river for thousands of years. This is because during and after the rains the river carries away the silt and the same layer of silt merges into the sand which gives rise to this type of product. Scientists in Egypt have noted that the construction of the Aswan Dam has led to a dramatic decline in production around the Nile. Scientists said silt began to accumulate in the dam, which reduced production around the river. Finding the cause helped scientists to develop this new technology.

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