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Friday, 18 December 2020

Passengers will now be able to book flight tickets directly from Google; The area facilitated

Ticket booking relief:Passengers will now be able to book flight tickets directly from Google; The area facilitated
An hour ago

Passengers can now book tickets for their flight service by going to a direct Google search, private company Vistara Airlines said on Friday. Passengers will now be able to book tickets for travel to the area by going to 'Book on Google' using Director Google, the area said in a statement.

 According to the company, when searching for flights on Google, the customer will be able to book flights to the area without having to go to any other website.

Tickets can be booked without any problems
According to the airline, which is owned by Tata Group and Singapore Airlines, customers have to get other information from Google, including optional upgrades, pre-purchase edition baggage, seat and baggage selection. "We hope that the new feature on Book on Google will not cause any problems for passengers to book tickets," said Vinod Kanne, chief commercial officer of the company. The airline said the new feature could be made possible through a technology partnership with Amadeus.

This is how to book a ticket

According to the area, it will be easier for passengers to book tickets on Google.

Customers will need to login to their Google Account when booking their flight tickets.

It will automatically fill in all the saved information for booking.

The payment option saved on Google will be automatically displayed and finally the payment process will be done easily.

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