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Friday 26 February 2021

How to get rid of intoxication

How to get rid of intoxication:First of all intoxication damages the brain, don’t give up the habit slowly; 8 Ways That Can Help You

According to experts, find out why you started intoxication before quitting
If you are in a place where intoxication is high, find an alternative to avoid it, take a soft drink instead of alcohol

Bollywood, known for its entertainment, is in the news all over the world today because of its drugs. Many big stars of the industry are facing the habit of intoxication. According to the World Drug Report 2020, increasing drug use is linked to increased wealth. The report shows that drug use is higher in developed countries than in developing countries. Drugs like cocaine are being used by many rich people of the world.

Any organ damage than inebriated brain tends
According Kota Neuro saiketrista and councilors Doctor Nina vijayavargiyana, you will always lead to addiction or drug abuse. No one should get drunk. According to him, cigarette addicts feel that only their lungs are weakening or alcoholics feel that this drug affects their liver, when it is not. Any intoxication causes more damage to the brain than the liver, kidneys, lungs.

What is addiction?

According to the American Psychiatric Association, addiction is a mental illness caused by the constant use of a single substance (alcohol, drugs). The person knows that it can have a very bad effect on his health. Still continue to use it.

These things affect the way the brain works. Tolerance develops in people suffering from drug addiction. That is, the amount of intoxication gradually increases because the amount of drug they used to use now seems to be less.  This number continues to grow. Drugs people take for a variety of reasons. That includes things like feeling better, doing a better job, or pushing.

How to identify this habit if you are a victim of addiction?

According to Dr. Vijayvargiya, there are many types of addiction and the way to know the level of each addiction is different. In his opinion, this way you can find out how much drug addiction there is.

Addiction even though you don't want to: This is called the habit of addiction. In severe cases, the person is aware that the addiction is hurting him / her for many reasons like social, financial, family, honor.

Loss of work or study: Most of the attention of a person suffering from addiction is on addiction. In such a situation, their studies may be affected if the students are suffering from this habit and their productivity may be affected if a working person becomes addicted.

Rising costs on addiction : People who are addicted start spending more money on it. In such a situation, the economic pressure on them increases and so does the addiction. If you are spending more money on addiction than before, it may be an early sign of addiction.

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How to Get Rid of Addiction
1. Do not give up intoxication suddenly: Most people think of giving up intoxication slowly, although experts advise the opposite. According to Dr. Vijayvargiya, if you want to quit the habit, you are advised to abstain from sudden intoxicants.

2. Increase self-confidence: The biggest role in quitting intoxication depends on strong mind and determination. If you have decided not to use drugs again, increase your self-confidence first. Trust yourself and say don't do this again.

3. Family support: According to experts, family support is most needed during this period. If the family casts a spell on the person who is giving up the addiction, it will be difficult for them to give up the addiction. So the family should support them.

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 An illness takes the form of intoxication to forget and then it becomes addictive and has a bad effect on health. 
5. Distance from bad things: There are many reasons to get drunk. Often a person starts getting drunk due to someone's pressure or friendship.  According to experts, if a friend is telling you to drink alcohol, he is your enemy.

6. Make a new plan: Before giving up the habit, it is very important to know why you started getting drunk because if you know the reason. So it will help you in planning for the future. Once you know the reason, make a plan of what you will do if the old situation comes up again.

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7. Find an option: After trying to break the habit, you will often find yourself in a drunken place, such as a party.  For example, if people are drinking at a party, select the option of a soft drink.

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8. Lifestyle changes: The expert said that in order to quit intoxication, you have to work not only mentally but also physically. Take care of physical health during the intoxication process. Eat a balanced diet, get a good night's sleep and incorporate exercise into your routine. Dr. "The joy of exercise lasts a long time," Vijayvargiya said.

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