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Thursday 18 March 2021

How will Gujarat study ?:Students at a government school in Rajkot took out shovels instead of pens

How will Gujarat study ?:Students at a government school in Rajkot took out shovels instead of pens, previously cleaned up messes in the former CM's program.

A student picked up a shovel and worked in a government school in Rajkot.

The then CM Anandiben Patel's Gunotsav program had the students clean up the mess
The students were shoveling sand and the teachers were politely watching the work

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આરબીઆઈનો આદેશ: 30 સપ્ટેમ્બર સુધીમાં તમામ બેંકોમાં ચેક કાપવાની સિસ્ટમ લાગુ કરવામાં આવશે

On the one hand, the state government talks of preventing child labor while on the other hand, students in government schools are being made to work like laborers. At the Bedla Primary School in Rajkot, the children had earlier cleaned the dishes at the then Chief Minister Anandiben Patel's Gunotsav program. Now the video of sand-gravel being removed from the same school has gone viral. Parents are also outraged that children are being made to work in schools with shovels instead of pens. Strict action is being demanded before the school principal.

Std. Examination of 6th to 8th students is going on

Bedla Government School is currently conducting examination of students of 6th to 8th standard. The exam was held from 2 to 5 pm yesterday, just before 11 a.m. when a student arrives, Acharya Jatin Parmar and another teacher were dumping sand-gravel from one place to another. The student worked in this manner for one and a half hours continuously.

The teachers were polite and the students labored.

Not only is there a demand from the parents to take strict action against the principal , but the scenes of two to three other students being hired after the completion of the examination are captured in the viral video, although no action has been taken against the principal by the authorities. Has been. As soon as the video went viral, there was outrage among the villagers. The guardians have also demanded strict action against the principal.

Filled more gravel than capacity and got the students to work.


this regard, the principal of the school Jatin Parmar said that the work of laying paver block near the drinking water stand in the school is going on. The laborer who came with Kadiya was on leave due to Matha incident. So another teacher and I worked on the sand. Meanwhile, a student also came forward, defending that he may have been given the job by mistake.

The student is shoveling with a shovel.

The student has lifted more weight than

he can handle. It is clear that more work is being done than the capacity of the student. Questions have also been raised as to who is responsible if students fall ill. Instead of picking up pens, students are being made to work by the school by lifting shovels.

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